Ashten Rombough

Hi! My name is Ashten. I am 24 and have had Diabetes for 14 years now.  Throughout my childhood, I really struggled with burnout and had crazy blood sugars that resulted in some long-term complications. It wasn't until after I had my baby that I decided to make some serious changes with y heath in order to be a good role model for my daughter. I now wear my sensor constantly, have lower A1Cs than I have had most of my life, am vegetarian and sober and enjoy going on hikes and runs with y now almost three year old! I am passionate about educating the public and like to encourage all of my friends to make healthy changes and work toward fitness goals because it is never too late to start making positive changes for your health.  I am determined to kick T1D in the ass and accomplish my goals with my Diabetes getting in the way!


My name is Kendra and I live in Kansas.  I work at a hospital as a CNA and currently take classes to become a nurse.  I recently put together a group chat for diabetics on Snapchat by posting on Facebook, Instagram and Beyond Type 1.  It's a way for other Type 1s to talk to someone who truly knows how your're feeling and what you're going through.  It is my way to help make a difference in the world of diabetes.


Daniela Zajimovic

Hi my name is Daniela and I am Type1 since 1998. Diabetes never stopped me from doing what I want if anything it pushed me to do more for myself and to inspire everyone around me as well. Ok perhaps my personality is also the responsible factor there since I have the competitive and daredevil personality. However, my only and the biggest competition I have is myself. I always try to be better version of myself. I always challenge myself and once the challenge is done I find another one. Always loved to be active , but never competed in a sport. When I was younger I did gymnastics, bicycling and other sports. One of the  pictures I am submitting shows me in 1997 - 25 yrs old and one year before I was diagnosed . The picture on the right is me now year 2017 and I am 45 yrs old. I walk, run, ride a bicycle and go to gym on regular basis alone and with my son who’s an aspiring soccer player. I do sports shooting with my husband and my son. We like to travel a lot and right now focusing on our son and his soccer career.



I'm Isabel Jones. I'm 12 years old and I have diabetes.  I have been through a lot but if you take out all the bad moments it's not all bad.  I have been flying for the first time in my life as a diabetic, I have gone cliff jumping, went to water parks, I took a martial arts class, I swim, I workout with my mom, and I'm having the most fun that I have had in years.  I am on the honor roll at school and found that I really love drawing.  At the end of the day, I feel like I don't have it because I can do normal things that other people can do and I don't have a problem doing so.  Nothing in my life has stopped me from doing fun things that I have never done before. Inside I know I have diabetes but on the outside I feel like a normal human being.  Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you have to hide yourself from the outside world.  Be yourself, and be unique!

Emma Bostock

        I am 27 years old and from the UK and I have been Type 1 now for just shy of 11 years. When I was diagnosed I was extremely ill and was lucky enough to google Diabetes symptoms after a friend had mentioned the possibility of it after I’d told them I’d been drinking so much. At first taking everything on board was very difficult and I constantly questioned “Why me?”. I am extremely lucky to have the most supportive family, boyfriend and friends around me and 11 years down the line I am a strong supporter of the diabetic community and proud to be a member myself! I have done a lot of fundraising for Diabetes UK and even ran a half marathon a few years ago. I am an Actor and Diabetes has never stopped me from persuing my dreams. I don’t ever let it rule me, I rule it. I also write a blog called Diabetes and the Actor in which I hope to educate people and give them insight into the world of a diabetic with a difficult career path and how the two can work in tandem. One day I would love to become an ambassador for Diabetes UK and hopefully encourage and inspire others with mine and their own Diabetes journey.


I am 20 years old and was diagnosed at the age of 15. For the first year I was sitting around wondering “why me” then after realizing I was different I started asking myself “why not me”. Being a diabetic is the perfect opportunity to be a blessing and inspiration to someone else. I started training 6 days a week, every week, for the past 4 years. Now fitness lets me turn my setbacks into setups for success.



My name is Marissa Dolan, I am a lifestyle blogger but I mainly share stories about my diabetes. I was diagnosed at the age of 4, which will make 20 years in April! I love spreading awareness about this illness because I feel as though a lot of people have no idea what we go through. I use my blogging to reach out to those who struggle with the same things I do. I also have an Etsy shop opening up which mainly carries necklaces all about Diabetes. When an item is purchased all of the proceeds will go to Beyond Type 1 diabetes foundation, a company which I’m also involved in to give back to other diabetics and just hear others stories. For my birthday this year i simply asked others to donate to Beyond Type 1 so we can get one step closer to finding a cure!


Evan Soroka is a Type 1 diabetic and yoga therapist (IAYT-C) based in Aspen, Colorado.  She is known for her accessibility, dedication and patience.  Evan Believes that yoga is a means of both physical and spiritual transformation.  Working with Evan you will gain the tools to become your own masterful conduit for change.  She attributes her own health and wellbeing to the science of yoga therapy discovered through her own personal journey with type 1 diabetes and guidance from her masterful teachers.  To learn more about how you can make a difference in your relationship to chronic illness visit evansoroka.com


Two months before my diagnosis I had a fever that took control of my immune system and never seemed to go away. It was during summer vacation, I was at the beach with my family with an unexplainable thirst and frequent need to pee. I remember I could drink bottles of chocolate milk, cranberry juice and coke and my thirst still wouldn't go away. We headed back home a week after that, my mom knew something was wrong... I was only 8 years old, she took me to the hospital and in a matter of hours everything I knew about life and living changed forever in a matter of seconds. Taking care of my diabetes was so easy back then, my mom pretty much did everything for me, the fact that I had diabetes and that it was staying with me for forever hit me in high school. I remember I stopped taking care of myself for a few years, I wasn't fully of aware of my diabetes nor was I taking good care of it until I hit college. The moment I decided to give my life a turning point, I feel as if I was diagnosed again. I told myself, "if you are going to be a diabetic your whole life you better do it right and empower yourself", so that's were I am right now, just a girl in her twenties fighting her Diabetes one day at a time. Living life to the fullest and never giving up on myself no matter how hard my day was.


My name is Jonathan Kolowich and I was diagnosed with T1D in 2001.  I went to college at Georgia State University on a baseball scholarship and I am now a personal trainer living in Atlanta, GA.  I have created a platform at Diabetesstrength.com to help fellow diabetics reach their fitness goals.   In my spare time, I love to hang with my wife and pups. Recently, I did the 5 day trek to Machu Picchua in Peru and I am on a mission to get out and travel the world and not let diabetes stop me!  Also my love and passion is helping others who are battling this disease daily



My name is Ah-Lisa Hull. I am 23 years old and a type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed at the age of 8 and on October 8, 2017 I reached 15 years being a diabetic. I am a military kid and have traveled up and down the east coast. As a kid I participated in a few after school activities from competitive cheerleading, gymnastics, and the flag team. I received my undergrad from Penn State and now I am in nursing school to get my BSN. Throughout my short 23 years of living diabetes has played a major role in shaping who I am today but has never stopped me from achieving any goals and dreams I strive for. I just adjust my eating habits to fit a busy schedule just like every other person working to have a good life. 

dan bernard

Founder/CEO and Director of Awesomeness at BADASS DIABETIC LLC

Dan hiking .jpg


Husband and Father

Competitive power-lifter

Coached 1000+ clients since 1998

First team All-State basketball honors

Virginia Tech basketball and triathlon teams

Type 1 Diabetes Survivor/Advocate/Educator/Mentor

Lotterhos Empowerment Training – Master Level coach certification

Virginia Tech – B.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering (with honors)

Hiked the Appalachian Trail and Long Trail (Georgia to Canada) 5 months/2000+miles

Publication/presentation at American Association for the Advancement of Science in Seattle